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This serial stealth camper was yesterday at ~9AM using a neighbours hose to shower herslf naked in the strree5t, she also stole the neighbours water to do her washing and then hung it out on the neighbour's fence and the old van to dry. She left piles of rubbish over the fottpath and toilet paper down the vacant block. her kmangy0-looking dog is digging up front gardens. Please sedna ranger and move her on. Such public indecency alarms residents.

Reported via desktop in the General category anonymously at 01:27, Saturday 11 January 2025

Sent to Lake Macquarie City Council 3 minutes later

This decrepit van without an effective muffler seems to have adopted our street as a stealth camping site. There are no public facilities.Please help move her on to a camping ground, rather than shitting and pissing over the street here.

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  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 06:55, Saturday 8 February 2025

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